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How to solve Low Signal Strength in Mobile

We all have been there, wanting to make a crucial call, but the reception is terrible, and we end up throwing our phone out of the window. Okay, maybe not all of us have gone so far. But several reasons affect the cell signal; some are permanent, while others we can fix. Below we describe what can cause a low signal strength on our phones and how we can correct the problem. Distance from the cell tower By far the most common reason for having low signal strength is our distance from the cell tower. To make calls, send messages, or  access the internet , our phones receive and transmit radio waves to the nearest cell tower. The network providers have multiple cellular towers in different locations, to maximize cell coverage. Depending on our distance from the most adjacent tower, we might experience low signal strength, and the farther we are, we can expect worse and worse signal. In fact, due to  the inverse square law  for electromagnetic radiation, if...

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