5 Tricks Overcoming Network Missing On Hp Android

I think for friends often experience problems in his favorite hp android somehow start from not getting access to internet or network connection on your phone android weak, this time I will share problem solving for you in our article that discusses how to repair lost android network, how to resolve unavailable mobile networks, how to solve mobile data does not appear.

Based on my personal experience, almost 5 tricks that I try this work on my smartphone, maybe for friends - friends can try the results of my experiment, or can also recommend to your friends who experience the same network problems in your android phone hp about mobile network issue is not available android, mobile network is not available, mobile hp android network is not available.

The problem of networks that do not appear in your android phone is not just in areas that do not cover the network, but if you are in an area that has a network often we also experience the same problem, due to several factors that cause your android hp lost the network.

The first trick: Change GSM mode on your android phone to 3G only.

One of these tricks I try on my smartphone from 2G to 3G only which was able to increase the strength of the weak signal in your android phone. I tried this trick many times and it helped me immensely.
  • Try to get into settings, open Wireless and Network Settings.
  • Click Mobile Networks.
  • Now click Mobile Mode.
  • Select (GSM only) 3G only, which was originally GSM/WCDMA mode.

#Note: for GSM only network mode only choose only 3G signal, sedangankan for GSM / WCDM automatically choose the best signal in your Android phone from 2G and 3G.

Second trick: Enable roaming data option.
If you are not connected to the internet due to weak signal and or experiencing network error not available. if you are in a region that gets roam access is not wrong as well to try to activate it:

  • Click Mobile Networks.
  • Now click Network Mode.
  • Now, tap on Roaming Data Options.
#Note: for those of you who are in the roam area, enabling data roaming is the best choice for you, as it will choose the best network on your smartphone.

The third trick: Reinsert the phone battery and the SIM card

The weak signal strength and unavailable network faults can of course be solved by reinserting the phone battery and SIM card. This sometimes happens because of technical issues on your phone.

So, try to do some of the following things below:
  • Disable your Smartphone.
  • Remove the SIM card.
  • Wait for 2 minutes.
  • Reinsert the SIM card and Battery.
In most cases, rebooting your android device is mostly also able to fix network problems. This is because the phone is not always connected to the nearest phone Tower so restarting the phone is one of the best options to find the nearest tower network.

The fourth trick: Automatically selects the preferred network.

Choosing a telephone network can also automatically solve network problems in most cases. So choose the network option manually in your phone settings.

To do this try this way:
  • Go to wereless and network settings.
  • Press on the cellular network.
  • select a network operator
  • Choose to automatically.
  • Done!
It is automatically the default setting for network operators that instructs your phone to automatically connect to the strongest network available around your phone. As you move, the handphone will continue to monitor available networks, and keep your smartphone connected to the strongest network.

The fifth trick: Remove the hp back cover android.

Holding the mobile phone tightly limits the network on your smartphone. So you can remove the cover of the smartphone can also help you increase signal strength. If you experience a weak signal in your phone, you must first open the back cover of the phone. It never hurts to try this trick.

I think that's all I can say, the trick to solve network problems in your android hp easily and simple, hopefully the 5 trick tips to overcome the network error on hp android, help solve network problems in your favorite android hp, if can not come back. If this article felt useful to be disseminated.


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