How To Fix Signal On Android That Suddenly Error Or Missing

It often happens to anyone, anywhere or anytime. As a result, some of the usual forms of communication we do become annoyed. and no doubt if it makes us feel annoyed.

In this case of course we often wonder, why signal on android error or missing signal. This is actually caused by several factors that cause Android error signal and lost.

Some factors of signal error or signal loss on Android:

1. Bad Weather
Bad weather is indeed the first thing that causes all human activity to be disturbed. such as weather conditions such as heavy rain accompanied by lightning.

2. There is a system error on Android.
The occurrence of a system error on Android is the second reason that causes the signal on the android to experience errors and missing signals. The longer the lifespan of the Android you are using, the more likely it is that the Android phone you are using has a system error.

3. Location Not within reach.
Some of the network service providers each have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, if your location is in the area covered by the radar. auto hp android that you use will experience lost signal. A small example: when you're on vacation in the peak.

4. Interference from the operator
Interference from these operators is usually very difficult to happen. However, this disorder is temporary.

5. You Do Not Careless
Man's carelessness is the most important thing that we often encounter and even do it ourselves. your curiosity on the gadget used, make us often tweaking the settings on phonsel that you use. consequently, the Android hp you are using to be an error and lost the signal.

Some of the factors described above are things you may experience of course.

But do not worry about the loss of signal on Android that you use. Below "Beelzebub" will explain how to fix the signal on Android that suddenly error or disappear.

Before doing the way below you should consider some factors of loss of signal on android, which has been described above.

Steps to fix Android signal error missing signal:

1. Turn off your hp, and let stand for 5-10 minutes.
2. Then remove the battery, sim card and your external memory.
3.When way 1 and 2 you have done, you just wait about 1-3 minutes.
4.Replace your hp and do it starting from installing external memory, simcard and battery. (make sure you do not incorrectly install the sim card position)

5. Turn on your phone again and wait 5 minutes for hp, external memory, and simcard to read the program with the maximum.
6. If you've been waiting 5 minutes. try doing an "outgoing call". If successful then you can already use your normal hp back.
7. If this way fails it means there are of several factors that occur on your android. And if that factor is an error android system. You should take it to the official service place to solve your problem.
8. Do not do your own way to dismantle your phone, unless you have special skills.

After a short review of How to fix a signal on Android that suddenly error or disappear. "Beelzebub" goodbye from the reader, hopefully what we see today becomes useful.

Final words the team "Beelzebub" say thank you and see you in the next article.


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