Tips How To Solve Internet Connection Error or Disconnect

Hehe for people who have been addicted to the internet would never be willing when the internet suddenly just an error, or even without permission at that time also the internet can not be used. Why do you know that? can not depleted wakakak how wong pulse If the problem that caused your internet dropped out, I could not help but prayer that soon ketiban sustenance to avoid Internet credit kebahisan

Sometimes the cause of internet connection failure can be caused by various things, including computer hardware error, such as cable, modem, LAN card or router. To solve these problems,

  1. Please first turn off your computer or laptop, shutdown now.
  2. Disconnect power (power) on the back that goes into your modem or router. Or if there can you do reset by pressing the reset button on your modem or router.
  3. Your router and modem will momentarily go out. Wait for up to 30 seconds then reconnect the power cable. This will cause the modem indicator light or the router will turn on again by blinking. Wait 30 seconds.
  4. Restart your laptop or computer.
  5. If you are using a PCMCIA modem, disconnect the modem and restart your computer or laptop.
  6. If the connection is still an error, possibly caused by the IP address. Please do the following:

  • Click start then run, type CMD click OK.
  • At the command prompt window type ipconfig / release then hit enter.
  • Type ipconfig / renew and hit enter.
  • When finished close your windows command prompt.

So the web article Tricks Computer Tips How To Troubleshoot Internet Connection Error or Disconnect may help you. Thank you for your visit, hopefully make learning our online computer useful.


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